- 260 years!
V International Conference
Information Technologies in Earth Sciences and Applications for Geology, Mining and Economy
Moscow (Russia), 14-18 October 2019
Live broadcast >>> Here
Reports of the Conference >>> here
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Mining Sciences
Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS
French Geological Survey, BRGM
With support of Embassy of France in Russia
Financial support



Conference Targets and Objectives:
Conference ITES&-2019 represents an extention of the ITES Conference (Modern Information Technologies in Earth Sciences: Magadan 2008; Vladivostok 2010, Petropavlovsk-Kamchtsky 2014, Yuzhno-Skhalinsk 2016) and Mineral Prospectivity Conference (Orleans, France 2017) targeting the issues related with data organization, management, and analysis in Earth Sciences. The new conference inherits ITES and Mineral Prospectivity Conference headlines, and intends to keep and develop the ITES and Mineral Prospectivity Conference participants’ community formed in the last ten years of successful work.
Exponential expansion of data, methods and processing systems in practically each field of Earth Sciences and also realization of the information technologies role in these fields motivate the organizers.
The ambition is to cover the whole value/supply chain from exploration (greenfield to brownfield), landuse and protection of deposits, social and environmental aspects, data collection, collation and treatment and knowledge management and dissemination for a large and varied public.
Preliminary conference topics:
- Open access to scientific data and knowledge in Earth Sciences
- Data peculiarities in Earth Sciences: new concepts and methods, tools for their collection, integration and processing in different information systems, including systems with intensive use of data
- Data mining and mathematical simulation of natural processes in Earth Sciences. Evolution of classical GIS-applications in Earth Sciences
- Application to Critical Raw Materials (CRM); social aspects of mining (e.g., the Social Licence to Operate [SLO]); predictive mapping and applications to exploration, landuse and search for extensions of known deposits
- Intelligent data analysis, elicitation of facts and knowledge from scientific publications. Thesauruses, ontologies and conceptual modeling. Semantic WEB, linked data. Services. Content semantic structuring. Applications for geosciences, e.g., Ontology-based Dynamic Decision Graphs for Expert systems and decision-aid tools.
- Application of methods and technologies of the remote sensing in Earth Sciences: from satellites to unmanned aerial vehicles.
- Information technologies for demonstration and popularization of scientific achievements in Earth Sciences.
- Applications: environmental risks including mining wastes, natural hazards, water resource management, etc.
It is planned to include in the Program of the Conference the round table discussions in addition to plenary, section and poster reports. The Program Committee is waiting for the proposals on the topics of such discussions.
Welcome to Moscow!